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"Epochal whole world award of literature of China article youth " champion
From;    Author:Stand originally

Report from our correspondent is sponsorred by courtyard of literature of university of Hong Kong Chinese, university of famous brand of domestic and international much place assist the 3rd “ that do is epochal result of bear the palm of ” of award of literature of youth of global China article was announced a few days ago, zhang Haiyan of institute of foreign language of Lu Dong university's classmate has the honor to win literature to translate group champion, hongkong dollar of gold of bear the palm 20000 yuan. Yu Yongjian, Lu Tingting's classmate is obtained respectively this groups of second-class award and encourage award. ” of award of literature of China article youth is “ epochal whole world range of Chinese world award a prize is the widest, most stand the young literature award that fix eyes upon, biennially is held, heretofore already held 3, aim to encourage youth of global Chinese overseas Chinese to be engaged in literary creation and communication of literature of stimulative China and foreign countries. Coronal, inferior, Ji Jun will be obtained invite attend work of the literary chair that will hold in Hong Kong this year in May, bear the palm to exhibit reach prize-giving celebration, communicate experience with new show of bear the palm of etc of literary a person of academic or artistic distinction. Work of all bear the palm still publishs collect articles into a volume.

Data sources: Http://www.shm.com.cn/ytcb/2006-03/16/content_1419242.htm

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